Established in 1999

Serving Arizona and North Texas

Custom Outdoor Fireplaces & Fire Pits

Where luxury and consistency are considered, outdoor fireplaces and fire pits offer durability and beauty for timeless, continuous use. If you’re considering adding an incredible, rustic installation, consider these identifying characteristics, uses, and great designs.

Fireplaces and Fire Pits: The Differences

While both fireplaces and fire pits deliver cooking, heating, and aesthetic benefits, both are useful in different situations. Primarily, fireplaces and fire pits utilize different building materials. While fire pits achieve high-grade, earthy designs via natural stone, fireplaces often feature high-grade materials, like polished metal and flagstone to harness heat effectively.
Additionally, a fire pit’s major river rock and sandstone design requires less routine maintenance for upkeep. Fire pits are — first and foremost — pits. Their structural integrity is offered through the earth, or through a “bowl-shaped” design. Where fireplaces achieve sustainability through different, man-made designs, fire pits maintain relatively consistent shapes.
Which is better? Well, that depends on use. If you’re looking for an outdoor, all-purpose cooking area, a fire pit is great for natural rotation cooking, marshmallow heating and camping nights. Meanwhile, an outdoor fireplace is a great selection for homeowners seeking natural heating alternatives.

Types of Fireplaces

If you’ve decided on a fireplace’s ambiance, you may enjoy a variety of traditionally-styled outdoor designs. Primarily, outdoor fireplaces are designed to benefit a household’s exterior inclusions. Many home suppliers purchase outdoor fireplaces based upon needed fuel sources.
Outdoor wood fireplaces are incredibly popular. Their natural feel, rustic attributions and sheer size implement a great atmosphere.
Pellet fireplaces utilize naturally combusted materials to provide heat. A little sleeker, pellet fireplaces have become modern household inclusions. Pellet fireplaces tend to heat consistently, but lack the general power of a wood-fueled fireplace.
Gas fireplaces are generally environmentally friendly, and they’re simple to both maintain and run. If you’ve never maintained a fireplace before, a gas-powered unit may be the perfect choice.

Types of Fire Pits

Fire pits, while consistently shaped, offer a variety of designs. Many homeowners utilize fire pits due to their feasibility, and size is always negotiable when seeking the perfect pit.
Portable fire pits utilize the structure’s basic, bowl-shaped design to offer convenience and pristine durability. Additionally, they’re considerably cheap, and their factory-made design is great for a variety of décor options. Perfect for gas and wood burning, portable fire pits are one of the most popular pit selections.
Built-in fire pits, meanwhile, perfectly complement any landscaping design. Often created from concrete, brick or stone, built-in fire pits offer a cozy, comfortable atmosphere with a variety of shapes, including rectangular, square and hearth-shaped.
Whether you’re creating an outdoor social area or a rustic patio space, installing a grand-class fireplace or fire pit isn’t just a great choice—it’s a fresh experience for the entire family. To view beautiful custom fire pits and fireplaces, visit our gallery.