Established in 1999

Serving Arizona and North Texas

What to do With Hillside Landscaping

When you live in the desert, landscaping can be a challenge. You can add to the difficulty when your property is located on a hillside, because the slope makes landscaping a challenge. Mowing that slope – and keeping grass lush in the desert – may not be the right choice, but fortunately there are a lot of great desert landscaping options you can choose from that are easy to maintain and work well with a sloped yard. Here are some suggestions to consider

1. Create a rock garden

Rock gardens are great ways to make sure you have a well-landscaped yard that doesn’t require much maintenance. Since you won’t have plants to worry about and you won’t need to water anything, you can keep your bills low and avoid spending too much time outdoors in the heat. Your rock garden will look great, though, and will showcase the hillside you have as part of your property.

2. Plant with your climate in mind

If you choose to put plants on your hillside, it’s often better to select something that doesn’t need mowing or a lot of maintenance. Cactus, other succulents, and different types of slow-growing bushes and plants can be excellent choices that will help ensure a beautiful landscape that you don’t have to worry about. Because cactus and related types of plants are designed for a desert climate, you can avoid the need for watering and other maintenance. Desert climates require a lot of water to keep non-native plants green, and that can get expensive. With hillside landscaping, the lower the watering and the maintenance bills will be.

3. Build a retaining wall

A retaining wall can make your hillside property look very polished and finished. It also stops any runoff when there is a rainstorm, and it keeps any dirt or debris that breaks loose from leaving your property. That can help protect the road below your property, or anything else that is below your hillside, and can also make your property look very defined. It’s often easier than putting up a fence on a significant slope, and is also prettier.

4. Add a water feature

Even in the desert, a water feature can be used without a lot of expense. If you choose one that recycles the water you’re using, you won’t have to worry about a water source. Water features can give you the option to create a tiny oasis right in your front or back yard, so you can really enjoy and appreciate your hillside property.
It’s possible to make your yard go from drab and boring to fabulous and beautiful with the right hillside landscaping options. Don’t give up if you’re not sure how you want your yard to look. With some careful planning you can get a yard that looks just the way you want, and that you can love and easily maintain for a long time to come.