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Serving Arizona and North Texas

5 Things to Consider for Your Outdoor Entertainment Areas

When you’re in the midst of creating outdoor spaces intended for entertaining, there are certain considerations you should make. We created a list of five things for you to consider when planning your outdoor entertainment areas:

1. Recognizing the Purpose

How you plan to use your outdoor entertainment space should have a significant impact on the overall design and setup of the space. Consider whether the space will be used for more casual get-togethers or for formal entertaining. Will you cook outside and need to incorporate a grill, an outdoor kitchen, or a cooking pit?
You should also ask yourself how many guests you plan to accommodate and whether you are including certain activities, such as a pool or outdoor games. Do you want to keep everyone together or create separate spaces for different activities? Even think about whether you plan to entertain during the day or at night, which can affect factors such as lighting and pest control.
The answers to these kinds of questions and considerations will direct your outdoor entertainment areas, including the layout, functional features, the amount of seating and the overall size of the space.

2. Sticking to Your Budget

Of course, the budget is always a factor that reins a project in from your wildest dreams for the space. You need to consider how much money you can and are willing to put into this outdoor space. Then, prioritize that budget so you can get the aspects you want the most and then skip or compromise on other parts that are not as important.
Also, keep in mind that you could work on this space over time instead of trying to complete it right away. Think about working on certain parts this year and budgeting money for another aspect next year.

3. Ensuring Privacy and Shelter

When you want to entertain in outdoor spaces, it’s important to provide your guests some form of shelter from the outdoor elements and to create natural privacy if your space is open to the view of neighbors and people on the road and sidewalks. Think about how you want to incorporate these aspects because many options are open to you.
You could add awnings or umbrellas to create cover, or add structures such as pergolas or gazebos. Also consider fencing, walls and landscaping elements – such as trees, large plants, uneven ground and boulders – that will block your parties from view.

4. Complementing the House

Another important aspect is transitioning and coordinating the outdoor space with your indoor space and the house’s exterior. Think about how to set up the outdoor area so the essentials of a party, such as water and bathrooms, are easily accessible.
Do you want to host parties where the outdoor area becomes an extension of the kitchen or living room? Also, the outdoor space should match with the aesthetic of the house so it’s an extension of the same place instead of a separate, clashing area.

5. Creating Visual Appeal

Finally, focus on how your new outdoor entertainment areas will look. Think about your overall decorating theme so you can incorporate the architecture, furniture style, colors and patterns into it. Consider how each piece – from patio tiles to umbrellas to furniture pillows — you plan to add will fit the theme, and make sure everything flows with the design of the house.
Don’t forget about landscaping – you can add a great deal of aesthetic beauty through the color and shape of flowers, decorative rocks and stones, structures, water elements and other features. Contact your local yard landscaping company, Blooming Desert, for all of your needs from lighting ideas to outdoor kitchens.