Established in 1999

Serving Arizona and North Texas

Want to Incorporate a Garden Design to Your Backyard Landscape?

A landscaped garden adds elegance through color, height, design, and theme. Many homeowners have desired garden features they have always wanted to implement but lack the knowledge and time to realize these projects on their own. Landscape architects can help you realize a vision or a long-held dream when it comes to designing your backyard … Read more

5 Things to Consider for Your Outdoor Entertainment Areas

outdoor entertainment areas

When you’re in the midst of creating outdoor spaces intended for entertaining, there are certain considerations you should make. We created a list of five things for you to consider when planning your outdoor entertainment areas: 1. Recognizing the Purpose How you plan to use your outdoor entertainment space should have a significant impact on … Read more

How to Care for Succulents

how to care for succulents

Succulents add beauty and diversity to your Arizona desert landscaped home. Succulents, plants that store water in their tissues (leaves, roots, stems), thrive in Arizona’s dry, desert climate making them an ideal choice for home landscaping projects. From agaves to yucca plants and aloe, succulents not only look beautiful as landscape additions, but they’re fairly … Read more

3 Ways to Keep Your Outdoor Living Space Cool in the Summer

backyard desert landscaping ideas

As the summer heats up, why not consider your backyard an oasis? Cool down and take a load off in the privacy and comfort of your own home. Build something that you are truly proud to live and build a life with your family. With these backyard desert landscaping ideas, you can take your property … Read more

Ideas for Landscaping with Water Fountains

You may not know it, but there may be something missing from your property that keeps you cool and makes your yard look so much more alive. Landscaping with water fountains provides you with many opportunities to incorporate stone, flora and fauna into a garden layout that is a joy to look at every single … Read more

Landscape Design in Phases

A landscape design in phases consists of a step by step process rather than installing everything on one occasion. There are numerous benefits to maintaining the landscape design as you understood initially. There are four steps that are involved in the landscape construction process: Design Development, Schematic Design, Construction Observation and Construction Documents. The initial … Read more

5 Unique Outdoor Lighting Ideas


You can’t always take a tropical vacation, but you can bring the same feel to your backyard with tropical landscaping ideas. The right outdoor lighting can transform a mediocre backyard into an island paradise. Whether you want to entertain guests with a beach-side vacation atmosphere or you enjoy relaxing in a trendy backyard, these 5 … Read more