Established in 1999

Serving Arizona and North Texas

What is Landscape Design?

When someone is asked, “What is landscape design?” they may think of something as simple as planting a few bushes near the front of the house, or putting some paving stones out that lead to the garden.  Landscape design can go far beyond this, and professional designers combine their artistic skills with their scientific knowledge of horticulture in order to effectively arrange or modifying the features of a yard or an urban area for aesthetic or practical reasons, such as organization. It combines both hardscape elements, which use nonliving elements, such as concrete, stone, and metal objects such as planters, fences, bird feeders, and furniture, along with soft scape elements, which include living plants, shrubs, trees, flowers, grasses, or ponds.
For many, landscaping efforts have become about more than simple curb appeal. The ability to build and maintain an attractive and purposeful outdoor space has been shown to increase useable square footage and can boost property values as much as 20%.

What is Landscape Design: Plan Formation

Forming a plan for your landscape design is one of the most enjoyable parts of the process, It starts with brainstorming some of the things that you would like to include in your landscape design project. Brainstorming itself does not need to be restricted and is only limited by your imagination. Even if some of your first ideas turn out to be impractical based on your budget or the space available, professional landscape designers can often work with your initial ideas and offer their own suggestions on what would be a better fit for you.

Customizing Your Plan to Fit Your Yard and Budget

Once your ideas are out, it will be time to set some priorities. For example, your yard might not be the right size to accommodate a flower garden, a waterfall, a pool and a large patio area for entertaining. You might have to decide what is most important and what will fit in with your budget best.  Even if you are unable to use all your ideas right away, it is possible that they might work better in a future home or if you make updates again later on.

Executing Your Landscape Design Plan Effectively

The design of the outside of your home should be taken just as seriously as designing the inside. Professionals spend a good deal of time and energy exploring the idea of “what is landscape design” and they can help you work with both trends and classic ideas in a way that will help you achieve the overall look and feel you desire. If you have one specific plant in mind, their knowledge of horticulture may help them suggest another that may last longer or better fit your budget without making obvious sacrifices.
Some people may even benefit from meeting with different landscape designers depending on the purpose beyond their outdoor remodel. Some designers may work better designing an outdoor entertainment space off the kitchen, while others are better creating a serene garden area. No matter what your goals are, doing your research on both ideas and landscape artists will help you achieve the look and purpose in your yard that you truly can enjoy.